Cheese Club

The Cheese Club is for people with a hunger. Not just for a tasty chunk of cheddar, but for cheese with a story. For wedges and rounds that break the mold, define cultures, and bring people together around the table. If you’ve got that hunger, the Cheese Club is how you feed it.


What's Included

  • 2-3 exceptional cheeses each month (⅓ to ½ lb each)
  • 10% discount on eligible food and wine in our shop.
  • Stories about the products to bring them to life at the table.
  • Suggested wine pairings so you get the most of your club eats.

Please note: If you place an order for a recurring club membership after the 1st but before the last day of a given month, you will be charged at the time of purchase for that month's selections, which you can pick up at any time. Your recurring club charge will process on the 1st of every subsequent month until cancelled.